rocco, first known as the son of famed musician Ted Nugent, has spent years crafting his own experimental sound inspired by artists like Frank Ocean, Kanye, Incubus, and Kid Cudi. Beyond insightful lyrics and dynamic storytelling, rocco, utilizes sound, video, and the idea of identity to bring his "multi medium canvas" to life. He's fearless when it comes to cutting his emotions and fears open, tackling tough issues like mental health, racism, and self-actualization.
On "grey theory," rocco, reflects on the duality of separation, especially regarding race, as he tries to see the world without color. Using a blend of dynamic percussion and exploratory lyrics, he tells the story of growing up a white boy immersed in the world of hip hop, rock n roll, basketball, and American culture.
The sonic tension aligns with the struggle of being stuck between the two worlds of White America and Black America. These two worlds seamlessly blend together to create one of "grey," where colors merge and cultural paradigms shift.
As he learned to embrace the racial color spectrum and the in's and out's of our "collective pigment trauma" he reminds listeners to love and accept the differences in all of us — from "lofi-emo-trap" beats to "neo-synth-soul" it all holds a place in our world.
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