19 Août 2020
The genderless, and self-described “mysterious and moody They next door” first gained exposure after BuzzFeed highlighted their experience selling underwear online to secret admirers around the world. Their unapologetic message of self-empowerment, liberation, and sex-positivity attracted a following of fascinated bystanders, who were surprised and eager to listen when a music project was debuted.
The Venus in Scorpio’s second EP, I’ll Never See Him Again, is a dark synth pop trip through more intimate areas of Faster’s life, casting a glimmering pop sheen on their bleak personal experiences in emotional recovery and lost love. Their second single “Daddi Decides” was mentioned in Paper Magazine’s Bop’s Only top 10 for its “shiny '80s synthpop (complete with a magnificently sticky chorus) [that] casts a heavenly light through its narrator's shadows”, with Flaunt Magazine hosting the video premiere.
The Venus in
© Layout : FRED Ils font l'Actu ... FR 2017 - 2020 / Transmitter : Mora May Agency BLOG PARTNERSHIPMusic is not a virus! Admittedly, it contaminates you with the melody, the lyrics, but it can be bought, discovered, hummed, tickles the hollow of your ear, is released on your lips ... Think of the artists, they illuminate your daily life and feed the memory of pretty refrains which will become memories.POUR LIRE L’ARTICLE EN FRANÇAIS, SÉLECTIONNEZ DANS LE TRADUCTEUR EN HAUT A GAUCHE ANGLAIS PUIS FRANCAIS