Says Star2, “We’re going to show you how the West Coast, California people be doin’ it!” “We’re gonna lit the city up! LA’s gonna be on FIRE because of us, man. Cali—for-nia!! We’re gonna switch the game up…me and Bino…HoodTrophy Bino!”
Bino replies, “The kids are the dopest part!” referring to the gang of young extreme skateboarders flying off the lip of the bowls at the famous Venice Beach skate park who spontaneously became part of the video and began chanting "Go! Go! Go!" from the song.
Eleven year old stand-out Jake Familton (@stuntmanjake2011) swoops down into the bowl where Star2 and Bino are singing and being filmed, catches air off the lip and roars back down.
“It’s a dream, a real life dream...” comments Bino looking at the first takes of the video with him and Star2 cruising in classic Low Rider cars with dancing from the famous Tommy the Clown and his T Squad.
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